Is This Supposed to Be Funny Anime
I dont believe in hitting my children as punishment
So i send them to school wearing crocs and anime shirts and let other kids beat them instead
Who would most likely call anime Chinese cartoon?
A Chinese
What do ISIS and anime fans have in common?
They both get hot and bothered over cartoons.
![Anime joke, What do ISIS and anime fans have in common?](/images/jokes/anime-jokes-whats-the-stupidest-animal-in-the-junglen-n-the-po.jpg)
What is the anime watcher's favorite number
10 pi
What do you call the ghost of an anime fan?
A weeaboo
Born Too Late To Explore The Earth,
Born too early to explore the galaxy,
Born at just the right time to have sex with virtual reality anime chicks.
What do you call a crying anime fan...
a weeaboo-hoo
![Anime joke, What do you call a crying anime fan...](/images/jokes/anime-jokes-some-people-think-filling-animals-with-helium-is-w.jpg)
Why could the programmer only pop one anime from the stack?
Getting more WIFO will destroy your LIFO.
Did you hear about what happened when the anime studio tried to make a sex-ed video?
Kids kept getting confused about why the octopus was showing up.
How many Anime characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Only 1, but it takes them 15 episodes to do it.
Q: What has more ships than the navy?
A: Anime fanbases
You can explore anime character reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean anime samurais dad jokes. There are also anime puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.
I spent this past weekend baby-proofing my house...
I'm not having a baby, but I hung up a bunch of anime posters to make sure that I never do.
What do you call someone who only watches Horror Anime?
A Ouijaboo.
I like cutting up broccoli because...
It makes me feel like a giant, wielding a tiny anime sword, cutting down tiny trees..
What is a suicidal Weebs favorite anime?
I finally convinced mom to watch anime to prove it's not childish and immature at all.
But it's weird to watch hentai with your parents.
![Anime joke, I finally convinced mom to watch anime to prove it's not childish and immature at all.](/images/jokes/anime-jokes-if-snapchat-has-taught-me-anything-n-n--its-that-a.jpg)
What do you call a Mexican person who likes anime?
An otaco.
Did you hear about the ghost who liked anime? What a Wea-
What's an anime character's favorite type of candy?
A NEKO waffer
What do you call a french ghost that likes anime?
A oui-a-boo.
What's an anime with adultery?
Cory in the Spouse
Wrote a rap song about anime
Smoke Weeb Everyday
I have a question for you anime fans.
Is fansub the opposite of fandom?
What do you call an anime fan blowing in the wind?
A tumble weeb
What do you call a drug addict who likes anime?
My favorite anime character
liam ni-san
What do you get if you send an anime fan to one of Saturn's moons?
Otaku on Titan
What do you call a drunk anime fan in the desert?
A tumbleweeb.
I made some toast to eat while watching my favorite anime
But when I sat down I realized there wasn't even-jelly-on
What do you call an anime girl's dad?
A Loli Pop
If an anime was based around the Ottoman Empire...
It would be a literal Harem anime.
What did the anime girl say to her crush?
Notice me 0.05480366515
TIFU by watching Anime on a non-English website
Whoops, wrong dub
My School's Anime Club Started A Band To Play Reggae
Weeby jammin'.
What do you call a Firetruck obsessed with Anime?
A wee-woo-aboo
What do you call someone who watches anime?
Well I would say dweeb but they probably already took the D, so weeb is fine
So i was watching an anime last night and all the captions were in spanish
oops wrong sub
What do you call a french anime fan?
A ouiaboo
What do you call an internet page dedicated to anime?
A weebsite.
What does an anime firetruck sound like?
owo owo owo owo owo owo owo
What flavor does anime absolutely hate?
Anything vanilla, apparently
Mumble rappers and Japanese Anime are the same
both require subtitles.
What is Trump's favourite anime?
I only watch anime dubs.
Cause I don't take no L's
What would we call a war on one of saterns moons.....
I think my anime jigsaw puzzle was too simple. It was...
...One Piece
Disney makes female hips very big, anime makes female boobs very big
And america makes female waists very big
How many tickles does it take to turn on a anime girl?
What do you call French people who like manga and anime?
Fiction Logic: How many anime dudes does it take to change a lightbulb
But it takes them 10 god damn episodes.
Why did the anime girl eat too much?
Because her eyes were bigger than her stomach.
What did the anime character say to the wookiee when it ate too fast?
Chew, baka!
Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the anime knock knock animal jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.
We suggest to use only working anime cartoon piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.
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