Princeton Review Sat Practice Test Version 30 Answers

You can apply a calculator for questions i–2. Larn more well-nigh the SAT Math Test.

1. A gas station sells regular gasoline for $two.39 per gallon and premium gasoline for $ii.79 per gallon. If the gas station sold a total of 550 gallons of both types of gasoline in 1 twenty-four hours for a total of $1,344.50, how many gallons of premium gasoline were sold?

(A) 25 (B) 75 (C) 175 (D) 475

Answer: (B) 75 When asked for a specific value, effort Plugging In the Answers. Label them as gallons of premium and start with the value in (B). If 75 gallons of premium were sold, the station would make 75($2.79) = $209.25 for those sales. A total of 550 gallons were sold, and so the station would accept sold 550 - 75 = 475 gallons of regular gasoline. The sales for the regular gasoline would be 475($2.39) = $1,135.25. The full sales for both types of gasoline would be $209.25 + $i,135.25 = $1,344.50. That matches the information in the question, so (B) is correct.

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2. If f(10) = 2x 2 + iv for all real numbers ten , which of the following is equal to f(3) + f(5) ?

(A) f (4) (B) f (6) (C) f (ten) (D) f (15)

Answer: (B) f (6) To observe the value of f(3) + f(v), find the values of f (3) and f (5) separately: f(3) = ii(3) 2 + 4 = 22 and f(5) = 2(five) 2 + 4 = 54 . Then f(3) + 5(5) = 76. You can tell that f (four) will be between 22 and 54, so you can cross out (A). If you lot ballpark (C) and (D), putting x or 15 in the function will give you a number bigger than 100, and y'all're looking for 76, so (C) and (D) are too large. That means the answer is (B) past procedure of emptying.

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Don't apply a calculator for question iii.

3. In the effigy beneath, circle O has a radius of viii, and bending XOY measures v 16 π radians. What is the measure of minor arc XY ?

New SAT geometry practice question
(A) v xvi π (B) five ii π (C) 5π (D) 16π

Reply: (B) 5 2 π Because the question wants arc length and gives you the measure of the central bending in radians, you can use the formula due south = rθ to find the arc length: due south = (8)( 5 xvi π) = twoscore 16 π , which reduces to v ii π , which is (B).

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Questions i-3 are based on the following passage. Stumped? Check out these Saturday reading tips.

This passage is excerpted from the 1854 volume Walden by Henry David Thoreau, which details Thoreau'southward experience living in a cabin alone for ii years.

I think that I love club every bit much as well-nigh, and am ready enough to fasten myself similar a bloodsucker for the time to any full-blooded man that comes in my way. I am naturally no hermit, (five) merely might peradventure sit out the sturdiest frequenter for the bar-room, if my business called me thither.

I had iii chairs in my house; i for solitude, two for friendship, three for society. When visitors come in larger and unexpected (10) numbers in that location was only the tertiary chair for them all, but they generally economized the room by standing upward. Information technology is surprising how many groovy men and women a small house volition contain. I have had twenty-5 or thirty souls, with their bodies, (15) at one time nether my roof, and notwithstanding nosotros often parted without beingness enlightened that we had come very near to one some other.

Ane inconvenience I sometimes experienced in so small a house, the difficulty of getting to a (20) sufficient distance from my guest when we began to utter the big thoughts in large words. You want room for your thoughts to get into sailing trim and run a course or two earlier they brand their port. The bullet of your thought must take (25) overcome its lateral and ricochet move and fallen into its last and steady course earlier it reaches the ear of the hearer, else it may plow out again through the side of his head. Also our sentences wanted room to unfold and form (30) their columns in the interval. Individuals, similar nations, must take suitable broad and natural boundaries, even a considerable neutral basis, between them. I have found it a singular luxury to talk across the pond to a companion on the (35) opposite side. In my house we were so nearly that we could not begin to hear—we could not speak depression enough to exist heard; as when you throw 2 stones into calm water so well-nigh that they pause each other'south undulations. As the conversation (40) began to assume a loftier and grander tone, nosotros gradually shoved our chairs farther apart till they touched the wall in opposite corners and then ordinarily there was non room plenty.

My "best" room, still, my withdrawing (45) room, e'er fix for company, on whose carpet the sun rarely cruel, was the pino wood backside my house. Thither in summertime days, when distinguished guests came, I took them, and a priceless domestic swept the floor and dusted the (50) furniture and kept the things in social club.

If i guest came he sometimes partook of my frugal meal, and it was no suspension to conversation to be stirring a jerky-pudding or watching the rising and maturing of a loaf of (55) bread in the ashes, in the meanwhile. Only if xx came and saturday in my house there was nil said virtually dinner, though in that location might be breadstuff enough for two, more than if eating were a forsaken habit; simply we naturally practised (sixty) abstinence; and this was never felt to be an offence against hospitality, but the most proper and considerate course. The waste and disuse of concrete life, which so ofttimes needs repair, seemed miraculously retarded in such a case, and the vital (65) vigor stood its footing. I could entertain thus a g as well equally twenty; and if any ever went away disappointed or hungry from my house when they found me at abode, they may depend upon it that I sympathized with them at to the lowest degree. So (70) like shooting fish in a barrel information technology is, though many housekeepers doubt information technology, to establish new and better customs in the place of the onetime. You demand not remainder your reputation on the dinners y'all give.

As for men, they will inappreciably neglect one (75) anywhere. I had more than visitors while I lived in the woods than at any other menses in my life; I mean that I had some. I met several there under more than favorable circumstances than I could anywhere else. But fewer came to run into me on trivial business. (80) In this respect, my company was winnowed by my mere distance from boondocks. I had withdrawn so far within the groovy ocean of confinement, into which the rivers of society empty, that for the well-nigh part, and then far every bit my needs were concerned, only the finest (85) sediment was deposited around me.

1. The main narrative point of view in the passage is of

(A) a man adjusting to life in a big city after growing up on a farm.
(B) a discussion of visitors to a small house away from city life.
(C) a sailor discussing the pond on which he grew upwards and how it afflicted his friendships.
(D) a human being discussing the potential of big thoughts and their need to be expressed.

Answer: (B) The main narrative point of view in this passage is from a human who is living in a house about a pond (equally evidenced by his argument "I have establish it a singular luxury to talk across the pond"), which is near the forest (every bit noted when he says..."the pine forest backside my house"). Selection (A) is incorrect because the narrator is not in the city. Choice (C) is incorrect because there is no evidence that the author was a sailor. Choice (D) is wrong because, while the writer does discuss thoughts in the third paragraph, it is not the main subject discussed past the man in the passage. Therefore, (B) is the right reply.

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two. In the context of the passage, the phrase "as when y'all throw 2 stones into calm water so near they break each other's undulations," (lines 37–39) is all-time described equally

(A) a reference to the author's childhood days when he threw stones into a lake.
(B) an illustration used to elaborate on a previous statement.
(C) a way to aggrandize on the reasons national boundaries are always changing.
(D) a reason that the author and his companion had to continually move their chairs to be heard.

Answer: (D)

The author says that big thoughts must take room to motion around before being heard. He says that he enjoys talking beyond the swimming because there is plenty room for thoughts to be heard . At that place is no evidence in the passage that the large thoughts demand to be violent, and so eliminate (A). Eliminate (B) because the author does not state that big thoughts need to break out of the receiver's caput, just that they could if they are not given enough time to develop. Option (C) is wrong because it is too far from the text. The author is not literally saying that thoughts demand more time to attain the hearer. Since (D) well-nigh closely matches the text, it is right.

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3. Equally used in line 27, "turn" most nearly means

(A) push.
(B) furrow.
(C) cultivate.
(D) walk.

Answer: (A)

The author notes that the ideas demand to bounce around and settle, or they will plow and push their manner out of the listener'southward head. Therefore, (A) is the right answer because it matches the prediction from the text, and the other answers exercise not.

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Questions 1–3 are based on the post-obit passage. Learn how to tackle the SAT Writing & Language Section.

After reading the passage below, choose the reply to each question that most effectively improves the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of standard written English. Many questions include a "NO CHANGE" option. Choose that option if you think the all-time pick is to leave the relevant portions of the passage as it is.

The speakers of what has come to be known as (1) Appalachian English language has used a form of English that few tin can explain. Many scholars believe Appalachian pronunciation comes from Scots-Irish gaelic immigration, just (2) some theorizes that this dialect of English may be closer to what Londoners spoke in Elizabethan times. Trying to empathize these changes (3) demonstrate that although we all technically speak English, we speak very dissimilar languages indeed.

(A) NO Alter
(B) Appalachian English uses
(C) Appalachian English utilise
(D) Appalachian English using

Answer: (C) Appalachian English use

Get-go cheque what's changing in the answer choices. When you see verbs changing in the answer choices, the first thing to cheque is the subject area of the sentence. Is the verb consistent with the subject field? In this case, it'southward non. The bailiwick of this sentence is speakers , which is plural. Therefore, only (A) and (B) have to be eliminated, and (D) creates an incomplete thought. But (C) can piece of work in the context.

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(A) NO Change
(B) some theorized
(C) some have theorized
(D) some theorize

Answer: (D) some theorize

Bank check what's changing in the answer choices. The word some remains consistent, but the verbs are changing. Remember from the get-go question that whenever you meet verbs irresolute, make sure the verb is consequent with the subject. Because the subject of this sentence is some , you tin eliminate (A) which isn't consistent. And so because all the others are consequent with the field of study, make sure they are consequent with the other verbs. It looks similar all the other verbs in this sentence— believe, comes, may be, —are in the present tense, and so the underlined verb should exist besides, as it is in (D). Choices (B) and (C) could piece of work in some contexts, merely non this one.

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(B) demonstrate that although nosotros all technically spoke English, we speak
(C) demonstrates that although we all technically speak English, we might have been speaking
(D) demonstrates that although we all technically speak English language, we speak

Respond: (D) demonstrates that although we all technically speak English, we speak

First check what's irresolute in the respond choices. Information technology looks like lots of verbs! Let's start with the first. See which ane, demonstrate or demonstrates , is consistent with the subject field. That bailiwick is Trying , which is singular, thus eliminating (A) and (B). Then, we accept to cull between speak and might have been speaking . Since both of these are consequent with the field of study we , allow's try to the pick the 1 that is virtually consistent with other verbs. The just other verbs are demonstrates and speak , both of which are in the present tense and don't use the odd might take been form. Therefore, if we have to choose between (C) and (D), (D) is definitely better.

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